Environmental policy

Leap is a design studio specialising in environmentally and socially led graphic design and web development. Actively promoting change, within the design industry, for a better future.

Leap’s policy is to always conduct business with integrity, responsibility and respect for the interests of all affected by our activities. We believe that our activities should generate and promote economic benefits and create opportunities for a better quality of life. To always respect the environment and positively influence all areas in which we operate.

Leap recognises that activities undertaken or managed on behalf of our clients and those using our studio space have an impact on the environment. In all our activities, working practices and business relationships, our company is committed to protecting, conserving and enhancing all aspects of the environment over which it has control or influence, to minimise this impact and strive to continually improve our performance.

Leap shall ensure compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations and take action to minimise and continuously improve its environmental performance and prevent pollution across all its activities, products and services.

Our environmental aspects are:

  • Electrical Usage – 100% Renewable
  • Water Usage
  • Waste and recycling of materials
  • Transportation to and from meetings
  • Procurement of products and materials – local eco certified suppliers where possible
  • Minimisation of all the above
  • CarbonZero certified
  • Server usage, carbon neutral certified


In particular we shall:

  • Take environmental considerations into account when selecting our suppliers and contractors
  • Use resources wisely by reducing resource usage
  • Improve the efficiency of energy use in our buildings and processes (with our landlord)
  • Specific Targets for reduction of energy use, year on year is 5% based on current team size
  • Minimise water use in our buildings and processes (with our landlord)
  • Specific Targets for reduction of water usage, year on year, is 5% based on current team size
  • Continuously improve and prevent pollution arising from our operations
  • Monitor and record energy, water and waste used or created in our operation
  • Use of products with a lower environment impact. This includes recycled stationery and Eco cleaning products
  • Recycling plastic, cans, glass, paper, cardboard and ink cartridges
  • Zero general waste


We will ensure this policy is implemented throughout our operations by:

  • Ensuring all our employees understand the environmental impacts of their own jobs
  • Informing all suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors of the requirement to comply with this policy when providing goods and services
  • Periodically reviewing the environmental issues at the highest level within the organisation
  • Reviewing this policy and its effectiveness on an annual basis
  • Completion of a biennial B Corp Impact Assessment, certification and publication
  • All employees have responsibility for meeting the company policy in their areas of work and in their daily office activities. Leap will raise awareness of environmental issues with our employees on a regular basis and ensure their adherence to our working from home policy


Continuous improvement will occur by:

  • Periodically reviewing our Environment Policy and practices in order to improve operational and environmental performance
  • Learning from best practice examples of environmental management and being responsive to community issues, and:
  • Promoting a culture in which all Leap employees share this commitment.

As a team, we are committed to reviewing our approaches at least annually and developing a measurable approach for our business.