Throughout March Russel Cosway, of fellow B Corp Gydeline and host of The Green Elephant Show podcast, spoke with key people in companies that have chosen to certify as B Corps and become a Force for Good. One of those people was Leap’s own Matt Hocking.
Matt’s appearance on The Green Elephant Show is now available to listen to here, or you can watch their conversation in full below on Youtube.
00:35 Interview with Matt Hocking from LEAP
01:32 What drives your sustainability passion?
02:15 Art… as graffiti artist! a good start
03:17 29 years old and it’s all too easy!
03:42 Ever heard of the Eden Project?!
04:30 Space with plants… and 50% wage cut
05:34 Three years and a great team formed
07:17 The forming of LEAP
08:07 Sustainable design agency… that won’t work!
09:48 A huge role to play
10:50 Education… did it serve your creative need?
12:52 Now going into schools to inspire children
13:26 Bringing the class to co-design culture cards
14:49 You just never know where your career goes
15:37 When did you become aware of B Corp
16:47 Clients entered LEAP into awards
17:34 How do we measure ourselves?
18:12 Free Range Studios – The story of stuff (video)
19:68 Measuring what matters
21:11 ISO14001 dropped
21:55 Another reason I started LEAP
22:40 Becoming a B Corp in 2016
23:18 A level of respect for the certification
23:55 Finding something to grow with us
26:10 Wunderism – Web & Email hosting
28:26 Carbon footprints of web sites and pages
29:18 Carbon Footprinting for 2020 – avoided emitting 66.5 tonnes of CO2
31:42 How Bad are Bananas by Tim Berners-Lee
32:42 A wildcard played with a new landlord
35:09 Moved offices to reduce footprint and staff benefits
36:08 Net Zero commitment in 2019
38:24 Systematic minimisation first
39:13 There’s the pledging and then there’s the action
43:10 Little by little improvements
43:42 Certificating – on the tail-end of 3rd certification
46:47 Anything else you value about B Corps
48:18 Sharing at it’s best – together we are stronger
49:56 Suggested sustainability actions
53:30 Recommended reading
55:50 Fact or Fake
Matt’s Suggested Sustainability Actions
- Switch to renewables, even if it’s just a tariff
- Going out and breathing in the world
- Do one handstand and change your perspective
- Declutter your inbox by unsubscribing from email lists