Today we have a guest post from fellow change-makers and friends of Leap, Creative Conscience. Creative Conscience is one of the organisations that collaborated with us on the Change WithPrint 2023 calendar. From April to June they share their activism ideas and tips for the studio and beyond.
Creative Conscience is a creative community and global not-for-profit organisation who believe that creative thinking and innovation can make positive change in the world. Our mission is to embed purpose-driven creative thinking into every institution, brand and organisation across the world.
We focus solely on creative thinking for social and environmental impact. We work with creatives from all over the planet, empowering, rewarding and training creative thinkers to use their talents and skills to build a better, fairer, healthier, sustainable and regenerative world. We do this through our Creative Change Maker events, our global Creative Conscience Awards, our training programmes and talks.
Collaboration on the 2023 Change WithPrint Calendar project started with a conversation at Goodfest, between Chrissy Levett, founder of Creative Conscience, and Matt Hocking (Leap).

Along with other like-minded organisations, we naturally jumped at the chance to get involved and contribute to such a brilliant example of sustainable print design and creative activism.
On the backs of the card months of April, May and June, you’ll find our tips and suggestions around ways to become more conscious, look after your mental health, and how to take small or larger actionable steps to create positive change in our world.

If you are a creative and want to make the world a better place, join our movement here at Creative Conscience. Let’s create real change, not more of the same.